SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Neither / either / either of / both (60)

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Marion's parents is Spanish. His father is English and his mother is German.

I've got two brothers and a sister. My sister is working but my brothers are still at school.

I tried twice to phone Angela but times she was out.

Marion is on holiday and so is Kate. Marion and Kate are on holiday.

I took two interesting books with me on oliday but I didn't read them.

You can call me at time during the morning. I'm always here.

Marion hasn't got time to go on holiday. And he hasn't got the money. He's got the time nor the money to go on holiday.

I can meet you on the 7th or 8th. Would those days be convinient for you?

Marion and I couldn't get into the building because us had a key.

I saw a terrible accident this afternoon. Fortunatelly driver was injured, but both cars were badly damaged.