SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

For, during, while

Uzupełnij pola brakuj±cymi słowami/wyrażeniami.

The Chairman of the Board gave a long speach. He spoke two hours.

I was very hungry when I came back home. I hadn't had anything to eat the day.

It rained two days without stopping.

Public transportation in New York was seriously affected the strike last year.

The phone rang two times I was having breakfast.

My sister read lots of books she was ill.

There were a few breaks the Prime Minister speech.

My mother was so angry with me that she didn't speak to me almost ten days.

I saw something interesting I was waiting for the train.

Angela hasn't lived in London all her life. She lived Kingston seven years.