SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Comparison 1

Uzupełnij pola brakuj±cymi słowami/wyrażeniami.

This tee is very weak. I like it a little bit .

The motel was very cheap. I expected it to be much .

The weather is too cold in Poland. I would like to live somewhere .

You were a bit sad yesterday evening but you look today.

You are talking too loudly. Can you please speak a bit ?

Going by car is than going by train.

I would like to have a flat.

Maciek ran 10 kilometers but I stopped after 5 kilometers. He run than me.

The container is too small. I need something much .

I'm affraid you are driving too fast. Could you please drive a bit .