SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Przedimki (52)

Uzupełnij pola brakuj±cymi słowami/wyrażeniami.

It's exciting to travel around but there's no place like home.

Marion himself doesn't go to church.

Marion went to church to take some photographs of the monumental building.

In China people are in prison because of their political opinions.

On Monday evening the fire brigade were called to prison to put out a fire.

I like to read in bed at least 15 minutes before I go to sleep.

Five people were injured in the accident and were taken to hospital.

In Poland, children from the age of seven have to go to school.

When Marion was ill, we all went to hospital to visit him.

This is not a big town but university is the biggest in the country.