SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

All / everything (62)

Wybierz poprawn± odpowiedĽ.

She didn't have much money with her. she had was 11 pounds.

He didn't say where he was going. he said was that he was going away.

Angela is ill. She has some medicine. She has to take it five hours.

I've been trying to phone him all day but I phone him the line is engaged.

I've eaten today is an apple.

We all did well in the examination yesterday. in our class passed.

We all did well in the examination yesterday. of us passed.

When the fire alarm rang, left the building instantly.

It is a good idea to have a check-up with the dentist year.

Marion told me about his new job. It sounds very interesting.