SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Present simple and present continous (67)

Uzupełnij pola brakuj±cymi słowami/wyrażeniami.

How often to the theatre?

Can we stop walking now? to feel very tired.

I away on Sunday morning.

I in Wrocław. I was born here and I have never lived anywhere else.

It is a very nice day. we go for a walk.

What does your sister do? She's a teacher but she at the moment.

Which newspaper every day in the morning?

Marion has made the same mistake again. He the same mistakes.

Angela is in Spain at the moment. She Spanish.

A vegetarian is somebody who any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea like lobsters.