SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

- ing, - ed.

Wybierz poprawn± odpowiedĽ.

I hate rainy afternoons. Such weather is .

However, it is ridiculous to get because of the weather.

My mother is very in politics.

Peter, are you in buying a MP3 Player? My brother is trying to sell his.

It was very she passed this quite difficult examination.

I had never expected to win the lottery. I was really when I won it.

Gregory has learnt extremely fast. He has made progress.

Amanta is the most girls I have ever met. She's allways talking and she never says anything interesting.

You do not have to get just because I'm ten minutes late.

I'm starting a new job on Monday. I'm very about it.