SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Conjunctions and prepositions (80)

Wybierz poprawn± odpowiedĽ.

Who is Angela Steward? I have no idea. I've never heard her.

What time will Peter arrive? I'm not sure. It actually depends traffic.

Steven is very good repairing electronics.

Beata couldn't sleep last night very tired.

I will be in Warsaw next weekend. I hope to see Marek there.

I'm sure Joey will be back Sunday evening.

What time did you the motel.

My parents are very kind to my fiancée. They treat her their own daughter.

Maciek has been married a long time. He got married he was 21 years old.

You should insure your camera stolen.