SprawdĽ czy rzeczywi¶cie jeste¶ tak dobry jak my¶lisz ?

Gerund/ infinitive (86)

Uzupełnij pola brakuj±cymi słowami/wyrażeniami.

By neglecting basic precautions she endangered the life of her crew.

By offering higher salaries she is persuading men their present jobs and to work for her.

on the beach is more pleasant than working in the office.

John rushed out of the room without me a chance to explain.

I realize my hair needs but I never have tome to go to the hairdresser's.

I advise you looking for a new car right now.

She didn't dare the house because she was afraid of meeting anyone who might recognize her.

It is usually easier to learn a subject by to lectures than by reading books.

She seems to have a passion for to the newspapers.

Peter has no intention of foing to that film. He couldn't bear his favourite actor in such a silly part.